Monday, August 31, 2009

Postcards: Montana's greatest hits

Yesterday, I had lunch with Evel Knievel. That might be a confusing statement, so I'll clarify: I had a Wendy's Crispy Chicken sandwich.

Much as I had hoped for an Evel-related attraction to visit in Butte, it appears there are Evel Knievel Days (in July) and a Las Vegas. So I was out of luck. Unless I wanted to visit Evel's gravesite, located on the main drag in Butte.
And of course I did want that. So Dell and I picnicked in Mountain View Cemetery, which actually does have a lovely mountain vista behind it (and a Walmart directly across the street).
I am not a huge Evel fan, and I have never been into monster trucks or dirt bikes, but there is a certain something I respect about Evel's stunts. That is: he was able to look across some great expanse and to imagine himself landing safely on the other end. Because who would attempt a jump ending in 37 broken bones if all he thought about was the possibility of 37 broken bones?

And that is an attitude I'd like to have about any major, worthwhile risk I take in life. Not necessarily about a stunt jump - I've injured myself as an adult on Li'l Tykes play yard equipment before - but maybe about trying new things, or seeing new places.

So far, seeing new places has paid off. Missoula is awesome.

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